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IZAZVAO LAVINU REAKCIJA Uznemirio obožavatelje pa se ispričao

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Objava slavnog glumca uznemirila je obožavatelje.

Nakon što je glumac Goran Višnjić na svom Instagram profilu objavio fotografiju sa sinom Tinom i kćeri Vivian javili su se uznemireni fanovi. Naime,  pored njihove zajedničke fotke s premijere showa "Toruk – The First Flight", Goran je napisao ''Na fotki su samo dva majmučića, Vigo je ostao s majkom doma jer je bolestan''. Odmah su se javili zabrinuti obožavatelji.  Zatražili su slavnog glumca da ih obavijesti o Viginoj daljnoj zdravstvenoj situaciji .

Pogledaj i ovo Goran Višnjić (Foto: Naš James Bond Goran Višnjić od doktora u "Hitnoj službi" postao "General": Po kojoj ulozi vi pamtite slavnog glumca?


Last weekend in LA... The premiere of Toruk the first flight, beautiful new show from Cirque du Soleil! We've seen so many different Cirque du Soleil shows through the last 20 years and they always deliver. Amazing show and thank you for another wonderful night! (Only two monkeys on the photo...Vigo was home sick with his mom

Goran je odmah objavio novi post u kojem se ispričao što ih je uznemirio i objasnio da je Vigo dobro. ''Vezano za moju objavu o dolasku na predstavu Cirque Du Soleil, stekao sam dojam kako je u mojoj poruci sasvim jasno da Vigo nije ozbiljno bolestan. Bilo je to samo objašnjenje zašto nije na slici. Ako sam ikoga uznemirio, ispričavam se, nitko nije savršen. Zahvalan sam svim obožavateljima, zahvalan sam što svaki dan odlazim na posao s velikim osmijehom i uzbuđenjem i znam koliko sam sretan što sam uspješan u tome što radim. Ovaj je profil mali uvid u moj svijet, nadam se i mali dar obožavateljima, ali i obaveza s moje strane'' , objasnio je Višnjić.


Vigo's working hard on daddy's bike... He needs to learn how to clean it before he learns how to ride it. At least that's what my uncle used to say to me.... Regarding the Cirque Du Soleil post, I was under impression that the tone and wording of the text suggested that nothing serious is happening with Vigo... it was just an explanation why is he not in the picture. If I disturbed anyone with my insensitivity I apologize, but nobody's perfect! I'm grateful for all my fans out there, I'm grateful for being able to go to work every morning with a big smile on my face and sense of crazy excitement, and I'm very well aware of how lucky I am to be successful in my line of work. This account is just a little peek into my world, hopefully a little gift to my fans but also an obligation on my part to continue with this thing I created. As for how things should be done...? I don't know... I'm still learning and figuring it out... I thought I'll never become a part of social media, at least not with the public profile, but I guess things change... So anyway, sometimes I'll try and be funny, sometimes I'll be proud, very often a fool and sometimes I'll try and tell you about the things that concern me and I care about. So that's me, that's my Instagram profile, enjoy! Ups... sorry for such a long letter... you shouldn't do this on

A photo posted by Goran Visnjic (@goran_visnjic) on



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