'Moj stav naslijedila sam od mame... Sretan ti Majčin dan prekrasna! Kako sam sretna što si me ti stvorila', napisala je buntovnica.
Mnoge zvijezde obilježile su danas Majčin dan - svaka na svoj način. A gotovo svatko od njih se kratkom porukom obratio majkama i obožavateljima na društvenim mrežama. Donosimo neke od njih.
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Rihanna je na Instagramu objavila fotografiju svoje mame te ispod nje napisala podulji tekst.
'Moj stav naslijedila sam od mame... Sretan ti Majčin dan prekrasna! Kako sam sretna što si me ti stvorila. Pokazala si mi pravu snagu, kako da budem neovisna, kako voljeti i biti voljena, kako da ne sudim ljude i situacije u kojima se nalaze... kako opraštati, kako naučiti iz svake pogreške koju počinim.. kako da ostanem zdrava, kako da se našminkam... naučila si me kuhati, čistiti i ne spuštati kriterije za ništa i za nikoga! Dolly (op.a. Rihannina preminula baka) je to sve tebe naučila. Mogu zamisliti koliko je ponosna bila na tebe. Ja sam ono što jesam jer sam to naučila od tebe. Nikad ti se neću moći dovoljno odužiti. Sretan ti Majčin dan'.
Pjevačica Beyonce je na Facebooku objavila zajedničku fotografiju na kojoj se nalazi zajedno sa sestrom Solange i njihovom mamom. Napisala je 'Za sve mame!'
Happy Mother's Day fashion bunnies! x vb twitter.com/victoriabeckha…
— Victoria Beckham (@victoriabeckham) May 12, 2013
Xox RT @cb_yellowjacket: Kicking off my Mother's Day with a @giulianabill marathon on @stylenetwork!! For the first time #HappyMothersDay!
— Giuliana Rancic (@GiulianaRancic) May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day to every mother in the world!!! Queen is the title.
— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) May 12, 2013
I should get @kendalljenner to call my mom for Mother's Day
— Ireland B Baldwin (@IrelandBBaldwin) May 12, 2013
time for Beeshee! goodmorning and happy Mother's Day to the mommas twitter.com/KendallJenner/…
— Kendall Jenner (@KendallJenner) May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day!!! fb.me/2vyU5p4Lx
— Pamela Anderson (@PamelaDAnderson) May 12, 2013
RT @angelalessandra: Happy Mother's Day! Love this photo of Anja and I from our @londonfog shoot! twitter.com/AngelAlessandr…
— Alessandra Ambrosio (@AngelAlessandra) May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day @kathyhilton!
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my amazing mother!And all the wonderful mothers out there !say.ly/OVq5NW3
— Reese Witherspoon (@RWitherspoon) May 12, 2013
Happy Mothers Day to all of my women tribe... To my mother, for teaching me the rises and the falls of love, the permanence of it...thankyou
— P!nk (@Pink) May 12, 2013
I wanna praise the woman who created me! "Momma Joyce" happy Mother's Day . Thank u for always letting me be creative and dream!Love you mom
— Chris Brown(@chrisbrown) May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day! #mothersday instagram.com/p/ZNeuqXikB3/
— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day to all the nurturers out there!
— Kelly Ripa (@KellyRipa) May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day! Xox twitter.com/carlyraejepsen…
— Carly Rae Jepsen (@carlyraejepsen) May 12, 2013
Happy Mothers Day to all the mommas out there! Toughest full time job there is... God bless #MommasBoy
— Mario Lopez (@MarioLopezExtra) May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day @mrssosbourne and @mrslisaosbourne. I love you! :-)
— Jack Osbourne (@MrJackO) May 12, 2013
She got it from her momma! Happy Mother's Day to the biggest goofball and most wonderful mom in the… instagram.com/p/ZNyFAEDDzE/
— Brooklyn Decker (@BrooklynDecker) May 12, 2013
Happy Mothers Day Mom!! You are my true inspiration and I love you madly! Thank you for everything you… instagram.com/p/ZOIUYYG-JM/
— Kris Jenner (@KrisJenner) May 12, 2013
#HappyMothersDay to the amazing moms out there who inspire us all. Today shine & be beautiful. From my #RedSin shoot. twitter.com/xtina/status/3…
— Christina Aguilera (@xtina) May 12, 2013
The best Mothers day gift I will get today is the pleasure of my children's company...All is right in the mother hood#truelillie
— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) May 12, 2013
The one day I year I forgive her for this. Happy Mothers Day! instagram.com/p/ZN3lnApuqN/
— Nicole Richie (@nicolerichie) May 12, 2013
Happy Mothers Day to the women of the world who are the firstspiritual teachers. MOOOOOTHERS!#blessingstoall
— Oprah Winfrey (@Oprah) May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day to all those with us and those looking down on us from heaven. Nothing is better than a wonderful mother. I had the best.
— Jennifer Love Hewitt (@TheReal_Jlh) May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mommy Terri & all the strong mamas out there. instagram.com/p/ZN_YsYEDE_/ twitter.com/Fergie/status/…
— Fergie (@Fergie) May 12, 2013
Happy Mothers Day @bosslady_ent from me n ya kids love ya
— Snoop Dogg (@SnoopDogg) May 12, 2013
Happy Mother’s Day to all who nurture and mentor. And to Mother Earth.
— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) May 12, 2013
Grateful to have such inspiring and supportive women in my life! #HappyMothersDay
— Stacy Keibler (@StacyKeibler) May 12, 2013
Happy #MothersDay to all fellow Momistas! #momwarriors instagram.com/p/ZODqBkRufK/
— Tori Spelling (@torianddean) May 12, 2013
To my mama, my soon-to-be mama and all the beautiful moms...Happy Mother's Day! :-) say.ly/lSR5O1j
— Channing Tatum (@channingtatum) May 12, 2013
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