Vijest da David Beckham napušta svijet nogometa iznenadila je mnoge fanove diljem svijeta.
Jedan od najpoznatijih svjetskih nogometaša posljednjih desetljeća najavio je umirovljenje na kraju ove sezone; s francuskim klubom PSG je osvojio naslov prvaka Francuske.
Pogledaj i ovo dobila je i skupocjeni poklon Lijepa supruga našeg Vatrenog obiteljskim fotografijama obilježila je poseban dan u svom životu!>> Miljenik žena, seks simbol i sportski idol: Tko ne bi volio Beckhama?
No 38-godišnji David Beckham je mnogo više od nogometne zvijezde: miljenik je žena diljem svijeta, modna ikona, ali i brižni suprug i otac.
Društvene mreže su preplavljene porukama podrške: bilo da je riječ o Beckhamovim suigračima iz bivših klubova, slavnim osobama ili onim najvjernijim – dugogodišnjim fanovima slavnog nogometaša. Donosimo neke od reakcija!
David Beckham= Amazing Career . He just loved playing football. Congratulations and a pleasure to be a team mate!…
— G.Neville (@GNev2) May 16, 2013
One of the greats! Pic from his last England game #David Beckham
— Ian Wright (@IanWright0) May 16, 2013
Took this pic a few years ago. David Beckham with son Brooklyn. Met him when he trained with #afc, top man #Beckham
— Stuart MacFarlane (@Stuart_PhotoAFC) May 16, 2013
thanks for the memories David Beckham! Best England player of the last couple of generations!
— James Stopford (@jamesstopford) May 16, 2013
i used to sleep in this jersey everynow and then, post '99. thank you David Beckham for being part of…
— Izhar (@Eazhar) May 16, 2013
In honour of david beckham retiring today I'm gunna get my haircut like his #class
— Spencer ⚽ Raposo (@SRaposo7) May 16, 2013
Congratulations David Beckham. You retired on the same year Sir Alex, great timing. You'll always be my childhood hero.
— Haziq Abqari (@Uknow_Haziq) May 16, 2013
David Beckham is retiring. now the one good thing about Soccer is gone.
— Jackie Richardson (@JackkieMarrie) May 16, 2013
The day has come, David Beckham has retired. It makes me happy that I got to see a legend play before my eyes so many times!
— Brian Cape (@bcape5) May 16, 2013
Thank you David Beckham for coming to America for six years and helping to grow soccer in this country. Your impact will last eons. #legend
— Matt L (@MrLeaverdoi) May 16, 2013
David Beckham has the most beautiful fyass in football. Today is a sad, sad day #davidbeckham #manisalegend
— gabi oughton (@gabioughton) May 16, 2013
congratulations to David Beckham on your fantastic career. you've inspired millions on and off the pitch! if only there were more like you!
— Brian Mcfadden (@BrianMcFadden) May 16, 2013 SHOWBUZZ pratite putem iPhone/iPad | Android | Twitter | Facebook