Vijest o smrti Nelsona Mandele rastužila je mnoge slavne osobe koje su ga voljele i poštivale te svakodnevno učile od njega.
Poznato je kako je Nelson Mandela bio u odličnim odnosima s mnogim celebrityjima. Stoga ne čudi što je s prvim vijestima o njegovoj smrti u 95. godini na društvenim mrežama počelo objavljivanje poruka sućuti od strane njegovih štovatelja i ljudi kojima je bio veliki uzor.
Pogledaj i ovo u 80. godini Preminuo je slavni redatelj kultne komedije "Goli pištolj", tužnu vijest potvrdio je njegov sinNelson Mandela s poznatima: Svi su ga obožavali!
UMRO NELSON MANDELA - ikona pomirbe i borbe protiv diskriminacije
I'm sending someone to go get you so you can come sit with me!!! @MyleezaKardash Need your seat # & section. DM me ASAP!!!
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) December 6, 2013
In honor of Nelson Mandela, who died today, here is an image of South Africa from #ISS:
— NASA (@NASA) December 5, 2013
KING ON MANDELA: Talk legend Larry King remembers South African leader (WATCH)
— NewsBreaker (@NewsBreaker) December 6, 2013
Supreme Warrior of Love, Peace and Justice. Thank you #NelsonMandela
— Lenny Kravitz (@LennyKravitz) December 6, 2013
President Mandela’s life is the closest thing we have to proof of God.
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) December 5, 2013
I will never forget my friend Madiba.
— Bill Clinton (@billclinton) December 5, 2013
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. ~Nelson Mandela
— bob saget (@bobsaget) December 5, 2013
You will always be in my heart Mr. Mandela.
— Tiger Woods (@TigerWoods) December 6, 2013
Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Nelson Mandela. An inspiration to all who value freedom, democracy and equality.
— Katherine Heigl (@KatieHeigl) December 6, 2013
I want 2give the world a hug I was told Mandeba just passed. Nelson Mandela R.I.P. Time for a well earned sleep.Condolences to his family
— Whoopi Goldberg (@WhoopiGoldberg) December 5, 2013
Today is officially one of the saddest days! The world has lost the most inspirational person to ever walk the earth rip #NelsonMandela
— Kelly Osbourne (@KellyOsbourne) December 5, 2013
God Bless You Mr. Nelson Mandela! Your Strength, Humanity, Intelligence, Honesty and #TrueGrit are unmatched in my lifetime! RIP&Love
— Queen Latifah (@IAMQUEENLATIFAH) December 6, 2013
Nelson Mandela... the definition of grace, dignity and inspiration. His light will shine on. May he rest in peace. @Deborra_lee
— Hugh Jackman (@RealHughJackman) December 6, 2013
RIP Nelson Mandela. You are now truly free. God Bless and enjoy the heavens. Tell Celia Cruz hello for me and azucaaaaarrrr
— Pitbull (@Pitbull) December 5, 2013
Nelson Mandela was a champion for justice & human dignity, with unmatched grace. I'll remember him as Madiba, truly an unconquerable soul.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 6, 2013
Kris Jenner se od Mandele oprostila njegovim citatom: 'Ne prosuđujte me po mojem uspjehu već po tome koliko sam puta pao i ponovno ustao'.
Rihanna je napisala: 'Jedan od najvećih ljudi koji je ikad živio!!! Nikad nećemo zaboraviti stvari koje nas je ovaj čovjek naučio, i nikad nećemo shvatiti toliku količinu snage koja muje bila potrebna da preživi mnoge godine. Hvala ti Mandela'.
Hrvatska modna urednica Mirela Forić također se od ovog velikog čovjeka oprostila njegovim citatom.
Mandela is gone. There is no one else like him.
— Anderson Cooper (@andersoncooper) December 5, 2013
The Specials - Nelson Mandela
— Pamela Anderson (@PamelaDAnderson) December 5, 2013
There is a party in heaven. Angels are celebrating. The one and only #NelsonMandela has arrived. RIP
— Ricky Martin (@ricky_martin) December 5, 2013
I'm hearing about Nelson Mandela's death while on African soil in Oran, Algeria. Sending prayers to Mandela's family.
— Mike Tyson (@MikeTyson) December 5, 2013
"If people can learn to hate, they can be taught to love." - #NelsonMandela, RIP & may your words live on...
— Katie Couric (@katiecouric) December 5, 2013
Today the world lost one it's greatest leaders. Rest in peace Mandela...
— Eva Longoria (@EvaLongoria) December 5, 2013
He lives within us forever. We will never forget.
— Tyra Banks (@tyrabanks) December 5, 2013
RIP Nelson Mandela. The world has lost a great hero.
— Nicky Hilton (@NickyHilton) December 5, 2013
2010WorldCup is in my heart.As other incredible things,it would never happened without @NelsonMandela Thanks #Madiba
— Gerard Piqué (@3gerardpique) December 5, 2013
"It always seems impossible until it's done." Rest in Peace Nelson Mandela. You will be missed. #trueinspiration #peoplewhochangetheworld
— Jennifer Lopez (@JLo) December 5, 2013 SHOWBUZZ pratite putem iPhone/iPad | Android | Twitter | Facebook