Brojni se obožavatelji putem društvenih mreža opraštaju s velikim Davidom Bowiem.
Tužna vijest preplavila je medije - preminuo je slavni pjevač David Bowie. Dugih 18 mjeseci borio se s rakom, a vijest o smrti potvrdio je i njegov sin pute Twittera.
Pogledaj i ovo borio se s bolešću Preminuo je slavni glumac iz kultne serije, tužnu vijest objavila je njegova suprugaDAVID BOWIE Dvije žene obilježile su njegov život
Very sorry and sad to say it's true. I'll be offline for a while. Love to all.
— Duncan Jones (@ManMadeMoon) January 11, 2016
Brojni se obožavatelji putem društvenih mreža opraštaju s velikom glazbenom zvijezdom.
— Cher (@cher) January 11, 2016
I grew up listening to and watching the pop genius David Bowie. He was a master of re-invention, who kept getting it right. A huge loss.
— David Cameron (@David_Cameron) January 11, 2016
Rest in peace, David.
— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) January 11, 2016
RIP David Bowie. One of the all time greats. Your influence will never die.
— Jared Followill (@youngfollowill) January 11, 2016
goodbye beautiful.
— DANIEL GILLIES (@danieljgillies) January 11, 2016
My childhood idol and inspiration has gone. Conquer the universe Ziggy. RIP @DavidBowieReal
— Dustin Lance Black (@DLanceBlack) January 11, 2016
RIP David . I loved your music. I loved you. One of the greatest performance artists to have ever lived. #sorrow
— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) January 11, 2016
I just lost a hero. RIP David Bowie.
— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) January 11, 2016
My childhood idol and inspiration has gone. Conquer the universe Ziggy. RIP @DavidBowieReal
— Dustin Lance Black (@DLanceBlack) January 11, 2016
Rip Father of all us freaks. Sad sad day. Love always Legendary singer David Bowie dies at 69 # via HuffPostEnt
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) January 11, 2016
Oh this is terrible news. We lost an extremely important and influential artist. David Bowie has been a huge inspiration and will be missed.
— LINDA PERRY (@RealLindaPerry) January 11, 2016
David Bowie je djelovao u smjerovima rocka, art rocka, soula, hard rocka, dance popa, punka i electroničke glazbe, a iza velikog umjetnika ostaju brojni glazbeni klasici.