Brojni se obožavatelji putem društvenih mreža opraštaju s velikim Davidom Bowiem.
Tužna vijest preplavila je medije - preminuo je slavni pjevač David Bowie. Dugih 18 mjeseci borio se s rakom, a vijest o smrti potvrdio je i njegov sin pute Twittera.
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DAVID BOWIE Dvije žene obilježile su njegov život
Very sorry and sad to say it's true. I'll be offline for a while. Love to all.
— Duncan Jones (@ManMadeMoon) January 11, 2016
Brojni se obožavatelji putem društvenih mreža opraštaju s velikom glazbenom zvijezdom.
— Cher (@cher) January 11, 2016
I grew up listening to and watching the pop genius David Bowie. He was a master of re-invention, who kept getting it right. A huge loss.
— David Cameron (@David_Cameron) January 11, 2016
Rest in peace, David.
— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) January 11, 2016
RIP David Bowie. One of the all time greats. Your influence will never die.
— Jared Followill (@youngfollowill) January 11, 2016
goodbye beautiful.
— DANIEL GILLIES (@danieljgillies) January 11, 2016
My childhood idol and inspiration has gone. Conquer the universe Ziggy. RIP @DavidBowieReal
— Dustin Lance Black (@DLanceBlack) January 11, 2016
RIP David . I loved your music. I loved you. One of the greatest performance artists to have ever lived. #sorrow
— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) January 11, 2016
I just lost a hero. RIP David Bowie.
— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) January 11, 2016
My childhood idol and inspiration has gone. Conquer the universe Ziggy. RIP @DavidBowieReal
— Dustin Lance Black (@DLanceBlack) January 11, 2016
Rip Father of all us freaks. Sad sad day. Love always Legendary singer David Bowie dies at 69 # via HuffPostEnt
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) January 11, 2016
Oh this is terrible news. We lost an extremely important and influential artist. David Bowie has been a huge inspiration and will be missed.
— LINDA PERRY (@RealLindaPerry) January 11, 2016
David Bowie je djelovao u smjerovima rocka, art rocka, soula, hard rocka, dance popa, punka i electroničke glazbe, a iza velikog umjetnika ostaju brojni glazbeni klasici.