Vijest da je u 54. godini iznenada preminuo pjevač George Michael šokirala je i rastužila mnoge slavne osobe.
Od glazbene ikone mnogi su se oprostili na društvenim mrežama.
Pogledaj i ovo Razvratnički život Nepoznati detalji o životu pokojnog glazbenika zgrozili javnost: ''Plaćao je za seks, drogu je u porukama zvao šampanjac''Među prvima, na svojem Facebook profilu oglasio se Elton John. ''U velikom sam šoku. Izgubio sam dragog prijatelja - najljubazniju, najvelikodušniju osobu i briljantnog umjetnika. Moje je srce s njegovom obitelji, prijateljima i obožavateljima''.
'Zbogom moj prijatelju. Još jedan veliki umjetnik nas je napustio. Može li 2016. sada odje****?'', napisala je kraljica popa Madonna.
Farewell My Friend! Another Great Artist leaves us. Can 2016 Fuck Off NOW?
— Madonna (@Madonna) December 26, 2016
Slično je reagirao i bivši nogometaš Gary Lineker. ''Ne, ne i George Michael. Još jedna glazbena legenda nas je napustila ove godine. 2016. može odje***''.
No, not George Michael as well. Another musical great leaves us this year. 2016 can just sod off. #RIPGeorge
— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) December 25, 2016
Na svojem Facebook profilu od slavnog pjevača oprostili su se i violončelisti 2Cellos koji su s njim nastupali u lipnju 2011. na privatnoj zabavi Eltona Johna u Londonu. ''Kako tužna i šokantna vijest na Božić. Svijet je izgubio još jednu legendu'', napisali su 2Cellos.
Oglasio se i Andrew Ridgeley koji je s Georgeom Michaelom pjevao u kultnom bandu Wham.
Heartbroken at the loss of my beloved friend Yog. Me, his loved ones, his friends, the world of music, the world at large. 4ever loved. A xx
— Andrew Ridgeley (@ajridgeley) December 26, 2016
Jedna za drugom slavne osobe su se na društvenim mrežama opraštale od legendarnog pjavača.
George ? George Michael ? No ... it cannot be. Beyond sad. #RIPGeorgeMichael Bri
— Dr. Brian May (@DrBrianMay) December 25, 2016
We are incredibly sad at the passing of our dear friend George Michael. A brilliant artist & great songwriter. Spandau Ballet / Steve Dagger
— Spandau Ballet (@SpandauBallet) December 25, 2016
— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) December 25, 2016
RIP George Michael.
You have given the #world an amazing gift! What a #talent! What a #loss! We will continue to love you! #RIP George Michael!
— La Toya Jackson (@latoyajackson) December 26, 2016
I just heard about my friend @GeorgeMichael's death. He was such a brilliant talent. I'm so sad.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) December 25, 2016
Heartbroken at the loss of one of my oldest friends. I will never forget the fun times we had together. Rest in Peace George, I'll miss
— Sara Dallin (@SaraBananarama) December 26, 2016
Miss you already! Thank you for your radical activism in the LGBTQ community! Love you always! @happyhippiefdn
— Miley Ray Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) December 26, 2016
Is this year over yet? Too many people are passing away. Rest In Peace, George Michael.
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) December 25, 2016
George Michael
— Boy George (@BoyGeorge) December 26, 2016
2016 - loss of another talented soul. All our love and sympathy to @GeorgeMichael's family.
— Duran Duran (@duranduran) December 25, 2016
God Bless George Michael , Say a prayer for him . A nice human .
— Meat Loaf (@RealMeatLoaf) December 25, 2016
So sorry to hear of the passing of George Michael. My prayers and condolences go out to his family, friends and fans.
— Gloria Gaynor (@gloriagaynor) December 25, 2016
Had the pleasure of knowing George Michael in the 80s. Voice of an angel. Now he can sing for them.
— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) December 26, 2016
RIP George Michael. I can't believe it. Such an incredible singer and a lovely human being, far too young to leave us #georgemichael
— Bryan Adams (@bryanadams) December 25, 2016
Its hard to take in. One of our most talented singer songwriters has left us. RIP George Michael. Such sad, tragic news. 2016 please end.
— Simply Red (@SimplyRedHQ) December 25, 2016
Stunned. George Michael. A talented and gentle soul. May you rest in Gods love and Peace #RIPGeorgeMichael
— MC HAMMER (@MCHammer) December 26, 2016
RIP George Michael
— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) 25. prosinca 2016.
Oh God no …I love you George …Rest In Peace x
— Robbie Williams (@robbiewilliams) 26. prosinca 2016.
So sorry to hear about George Michael's passing. Brilliant icon. "Kissing a Fool" one of my all time favs. Strength & light to his family.
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) 26. prosinca 2016.